Thursday, March 25, 2010

all the thoughts wasted on you. and you. and you.

One showed up in my mini feed last night. A new picture of him taken by his new girlfriend. "Oh you look so great in this picture babe!" she says. "Thanks Sweety!" he replies. I throw up a little in my mouth and wonder how I ever dated him. For as long as I did. And almost married him.  Oh gosh.
One texted me this morning. Of all of  his countless friends, apparently I am the only one who might know which tax form he would need. And then he ended our brief text conversation with "Have a good day ms denim expert." Should I even bother telling him that I don't work at the Gap anymore? I mean, he has no idea of anything else that is happening in my life. So, instead, I didn't reply at all. 
One walked past me in CPO today. He reached out and touched my arm. In my mind, I reciprocated with a kick to the balls. Jacquelyn glared at him. I called him a name under my breath a few moments later, thinking he was gone. He was just around the corner. I really hope he heard. 

1 comment:

David T. Ulrich said...

"In my mind, I reciprocated with a kick to the balls."

That's some guttural poetry, and a brilliant use of the word "reciprocated."