Monday, June 8, 2009

Sliding in the Rain...

I found myself in a crowd of people, raindrops on my face, Kirk Franklin and a full Gospel choir singing in the background. It took me a minute to fall into step with the people all around me, and every now and then I was nudged in the right direction by a man beside me. But soon we were all in sync, laughing and singing as the heavens above us broke open with flashes of lightning and peals of thunder. I saw beside me a few girls I had just met that day, earlier in church, from Arkansas. I had just had Thai potstickers and a strawberry smoothie. I felt completely at ease and happy in a crowd of predominantly African American men and women dancing and singing around me, and grateful that I could share in such a meaningful moment with these worshipping people. Even as Kirk Franklin stopped singing, the crowd continued, women singing one part, with the men echoing. It was utterly beautiful. Those moments of worship with a crowd of thousands dancing and singing their hearts out, laughing and crying out a heartfelt 'Amen!' will not be soon forgotten. I hope to never forget what it feels like to do the electric slide in the rain with good friends and a crowd of brothers and sisters of all different colors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it was terribly wonderful.